La Galerie Denise René expone obras de Marino di Teana en ArtBasel 2017

Esculturas de Marino di Teana serán expuestas en el stand de la Galerie Denise René en la feria de arte internacional ArtBasel que se desarrollará desde el 15 al 17 de julio en Basilea.
Art Basel es sin duda alguna el evento más importante del mercado internacional del arte. Más de 300 galerías, cuidadosamente seleccionadas, exponen obras de los siglos XX y XXI. Artistas, coleccionistas de arte y numerosas personalidades del escenario artístico se dan cita en Basilea durante estos días.
La relación de Marino di Teana con la galería se remonta a inicios de 1957 cuando Denise Rene descubrió de inmediato el potencial de sus ideas.
Marino trabajó con la galerista hasta principios de los años 70, pero fue en septiembre de 2016 que sus obras fueron expuestas nuevamente en la histórica galería durante la muestra Trasparences.
Galerie Denise René
Hall 2.0 | F11
Private Days (by invitation only) Tuesday, June 13, 2017 Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Vernissage (by invitation only) Wednesday, June 14, 2017
Public Days Thursday, June 15, 2017, 11am to 7pm Friday, June 16, 2017, 11am to 7pm Saturday, June 17, 2017, 11am to 7pm Sunday, June 18, 2017, 11am to 7pm
Messe Basel Messeplatz 10 4005 Basel Switzerland

Galerie Denis René
Pioneer gallery, known since its creation for the absolute coherence of its aesthetic choices, Denise Rene's name is inseparable from history of modern art. It revealed and provided international recognition to the currents of geometric abstraction and kinetism - renamed Op Art in the USA - which it currenty continues to follow developments through new generations of artists. Born in the 1944 effervescence of the Liberation of Paris with the Vasarely first solo exhibition, The Gallery definitevely enters the history of modern art in 1955, with the The Movement exhibition. A new generation of artists like Agam, Soto, Pol Bury, Tinguely and Jacobsen met Duchamp, Calder and Vasarely, at the origin of the Yellow Manifesto ,and marked the official birth of kinetism. In 2001, the french National Museum of Modern Art made a tribute to the work of the Gallery with the exhibition The intrepid Denise René, a gallery in the adventure of abstract art, at the Centre Pompidou. Since Denise René passed away in 2012, the gallery continues under the leadership of Denis Kilian its specific work to inscribe the present of contemporary creation in a historical reference curriculum, showing the relationship between the legacy of constructive abstraction and kinetism and the most recent productions of emerging artists on the international scene inserting their work in the continuity of an aesthetic line they continually enrich and renew.